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Judi Bari's Articles, Essays and Interviews(last modified 6/13/05) The Bombing Story in Judi Bari's Own Words, an early but detailed account of the assassination attempt and what she learned about it through investigating it and suing the FBI. (This article was written in early 1994, before Judi obtained much more evidence from FBI and police files and from questioning FBI and police under oath. For a later version, with the benefit of that later evidence, see the link below to the Albion Monitor's re-publication of the New Settler Interview's "The Attempted Murder of Judi Bari.")The index links just below will take you directly to the subsections of the article:
Bomb School, and Other Atrocities, Judi's brilliant October 1994 article about the FBI Bomb School and evidence that the FBI deliberately put out false information to smear her as a terrorist rather than the victim of an assassination attempt. Illustrated with photos of the bombed car. (posted 3/1/01)
Attempted Murder of Judi Bari, the major in-depth interview
with Judi Bari by Beth Bosk in which Judi tells the whole story
of the bombing, and what her investigation and lawsuit against the
FBI revealed. It filled the entire New Settler Interview January
1995 issue, and was republished online by "It was the eve of Redwood Summer and we were calling for people to come in from all over the country to engage in non-violent civil disobedience to stop the over-cutting; and the timber industry was mounting a campaign to portray us as violent, and to whip up hatred against us. This included my receipt of increasingly frightening death threats, and fake press releases that were being distributed not only to the press, but were being passed out in the lumber mills and on the logging jobs." "Starting from the very reasonable, but unfortunately revolutionary concept that social practices which threaten the continuation of life on Earth must be changed, we need a theory of revolutionary ecology that will encompass social and biological issues, class struggle, and a recognition of the role of global corporate capitalism in the oppression of peoples and the destruction of nature." This article was written in early 1995. It first appeared in the Groundhog Day 1995 edition of Alarm, a journal of revolutionary ecology formerly published in Burlington, VT. The section on patriarchy differs slightly from the version in Alarm, as it was updated and revised by Judi, and given as a talk at the Willits Environmental Center in June, 1996. (posted 2/5/99) Who Bombed Judi Bari? RSJP's November 1996 illustrated brochure, written by Judi Bari, giving a brief overview of the case against the FBI Bombing Case Update, Nov. 1996
by Judi Bari (last case update written by Judi before
her death) (posted 3/14/99) Who Bought Steve Talbot?-by Judi Bari, a critique of Talbot's 1991 KQED/PBS TV documentary titled "Who Bombed Judi Bari?." Good discussion of likely suspects who had a political motivation to bomb her, none of whom were mentioned in Talbot's documentary, which focused only on individuals with possible personal motives. Written in 1991, included in the book Timber Wars (posted 7/25/97) Press Blackout - by Judi Bari, a critique of non-coverage and biased coverage in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat and other mainstream media. "Here in timber country, we are used to having our actions ignored or distorted by a hostile corporate press. But the news blackout of our Headwaters actions was stunning, even by the press' usual depraved standards." From the Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 19, July 1995 (posted 5/9/97) Why I Hate the Corporate Press, Judi Bari's critique of S.F. Examiner's coverage, April 24, 1991
See also audio recordings of Judi's speeches